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My Favourite Nursery Rhymes1 我最喜欢的儿歌1

1. London Bridge 伦敦桥 

2. Little Miss Muffet 玛菲特小姐 

3. Row Your Boat 划小船 

4. Old McDonald 麦克唐纳叔叔 

5. Baa Baa Black Sheep 咩咩小黑羊 

6. Sally the Camel 骆驼萨利 

7. The Muffin Man 卖松饼的人 

8. Shell Be Coming Round the Mountain 她绕山而来 

9. The Wheels on the Bus 巴士上的车轮 

10. Head & Shoulders 头和肩 

11. If Youre Happy 如果你快乐 

12. Mary Had a Little Lamb 玛丽有只小绵羊 

13. Pat a Cake 做个蛋糕  

14. Five Little Ducks 五只小鸭子 

15. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary 玛丽小姐真倔强 

16. This Old Man 这位老先生 

17. Ring a Ring ORoses 编玫瑰花环 

18. The Mulberry Bush 桑树林 

19. Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠和大钟 

20. Humpty Dumpty 矮胖子 

21. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 一闪一闪亮晶晶 


My Favourite Nursery Rhymes 2我最喜欢的儿歌2

1. Down by the Bay 在海湾边 

2. The Farmer in the Dell 山谷里的农夫 

3. The Animal Fair 动物集市 

4. The Duke of York 约克公爵 

5. Eenie Meenie Miney Moe 一,二,三 

6. The Bear Went Over the Mountain 小熊越过山岭 

7. Brother John 两只老虎 

8. One, Two, Three, Four, Five 一,二,三,四,五 

9. Hole in the Middle of the Sea 海洋中间的洞 

10. Miss Polly Had a Dolly 丽小姐的娃娃 

11. Old King Cole 老国王科尔 

12. One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 一,二,系鞋带 

13. Hokey Pokey 变戏法 

14. The Little Puppets 小木偶 

15. Its Raining, Its Pouring 下雨了,啦啦啦 

16. 10 Green Bottles 十个绿瓶子 

17. Five Little Monkeys 五只小猴子 

18. Where is Thumbkin 拇指在哪里 

19. Kumbaya 空巴亚 


My Favourite Nursery Rhymes 3 我最喜欢的儿歌

1. Miss Mary Mack 玛莉.麦克小姐

2. Oh Farmer 农民伯伯

3. A Very Special House (Kids & Pets) 一栋特别的房子

4. My Canoe 我的独木舟

5. Mexican Dance 墨西哥舞

6. Poppy Flowers 罂粟花

7. Itororo's Well 托罗的井

8. Rabbit Jack 兔子杰克

9. The Sailor Went To Sea 走向海边的水手

10. Let It Rain 雨一直下

11. Two Merry Geese 两只嬉戏的鹅

12. The Apple's Song 苹果之歌

13. Windmills Turn Around 旋转的风车

14. Dance A Baby Diddy 跳个娃娃舞

15. Hide & Seek 躲猫猫

16. Tommy The Elephant 大象汤米

17. The Milk Truck 牛奶车

18. Port Of Saint Malo 圣马洛区港口

19. The Ferret 雪貂

20. Clap Your Hands 拍拍手

21. Oh Dear Mama 亲爱的妈妈

22. The Bears 大熊

23. The Dance Of The Potatoes 土豆之舞

24. The Train 火车

25. Little Violin 小提琴

26. When I'm All Grown Up 当我长大时

27. Our Wonderful World 我们美妙的世界


My Favourite Nursery Rhymes 4 我最喜欢的儿歌4

1Edelweiss 雪绒花    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00301

2ABC Song 字母歌    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00320

3Head Shoulders Knees And Toes 头,肩膀,膝盖和脚趾    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00321

4We Wish You A Merry Christmas 我们祝你圣诞快乐    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00322

5Ten Little Indians 十个小印第安人    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00323

6Good Morning 早上好    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00324

7Clap Your Hands 你的手    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00325

8Row Row Row Your Boat 划船歌    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00326

9Jingle Bells 铃儿响叮当    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00327

10Old Macdonald 麦克唐纳叔叔     ISRC CN-Z13-12-00328

11Hello Song 祝好歌    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00329

12Mary Had A Little Lamb 玛丽有只小羊羔    ISRC CN-Z13-12-00330


My Favourite Lullabies 我最喜欢的摇篮曲

1. Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 一闪一闪亮晶晶  

2. Where IS Thumbkin? 手指之歌 

3. Off To Sleep You Go 快快睡觉觉 

4.The Toys Go Up And Down 玩具向上向下  

5.The Shepherd’s Song 快乐的牧羊人

6. This piece of beauty under the picture 画下这片美景 

7. Man on the Moon 月亮上的人 

8.Cockatoo 美丽的小鹦鹉 

9. It's getting dark 天黑了 

10.My Dear Mummy 妈咪我爱你 

11.Kumbaya 空巴亚 

12. Santa Claus 圣诞老公公  

13. The windmill turn good fast 风车转的好快 

14.Good Evening Good Night 宝宝晚安 

15.Mother Crow 乌鸦妈妈 

16. Baby fast sleep 宝贝快睡 

17.Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠和大钟 

18.Sleep Baby Sleep 睡吧宝贝 

19.The Cat On The Fence 栅栏上的小猫咪 

20.Plin Plin The Clown 小丑拼拼 

21. Fly in the sky 飞在天空中 

22.Butterflies In Flight 飞舞的蝴蝶 

23.I Go Down To The Garden 进去小小花园 

24.My Balloon 我的气球 

25.Evening Song 夜之歌 

英文故事:English Story


Hans Christian Andersen, Grimm's Fairy Tales 1 安徒生、格林童话1

1. Snow White 白雪公主 选自《格林童话》

2. A Cinderella Story Part One 灰姑娘(上) 选自《格林童话》

3. A Cinderella Story Part Two 灰姑娘(下) 选自《格林童话》

4. Long Are As Big As A Thumb Part One 长的像大拇指一样大的人(上) 选自《格林童话》

5. Long Are As Big As A Thumb Part Two 长的像大拇指一样大的人(下) 选自《格林童话》


Hans Christian Andersen, Grimm's Fairy Tales 2 安徒生、格林童话2

1. The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭 选自《安徒生童话》

2. The Emperor's New Clothes 皇帝的新衣 选自《安徒生童话》

3. The Daughter Of The Sea 海的女儿 选自《安徒生童话》

4. The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 选自《安徒生童话》

5. The Thumb Girl 拇指姑娘 选自《安徒生童话》

6. The Brave Little Tailor 勇敢的小裁缝 选自《格林童话》


The World Classical Fairy Tales 1 世界经典童话故事1

1. The Young King 少年国王 (英)奥斯卡·王尔德

2. The Magic Of Drum 魔鼓 (日)平田昭和

3. To The Free到自由国去 (芬兰)海.埃林娜

4. The Arctic A Violet 北极的一棵紫罗兰 (意)罗大里

5. The Little Mouse Stuart 小老鼠斯图亚特 (美)E·B·怀特

6. The Magic Of The Pitcher 神奇的水罐 (美)纳撒尼索·霍桑

7. Small Tiger Liza Refused To Grow Up 不肯长大的小泰莱莎 (意)罗大里


The World Classical Fairy Tales 2 世界经典童话故事2

1. The Wizard Of Oz 绿野仙踪 (美)鲍姆

2. The Story Of The Fisherman And Goldfish 渔夫和金鱼的故事 (俄)普希金

3. The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer 小汤姆历险记 (美)马克·吐温

4. The Bluebird 青鸟 (比利时)梅特林克

5. The Little Folkspresents 小矮人的礼物 选自《格林童话》

6. Wisdom Cap 智慧帽 (以色列) 罗丝·吴尔

7. Little Tuk 小杜克 选自《安徒生童话》


The World Classical Fairy Tales 3 世界经典童话故事3

1. Gulliver's Travels Part One 小人国历险记(上) (德国)克尼斯特

2. Gulliver's Travels Part Two 小人国历险记(下) (德国)克尼斯特

3. Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Part One 阿里巴巴和四十大盗(上) 阿拉伯民间故事集

4. Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Part Two 阿里巴巴和四十大盗(下) 阿拉伯民间故事集

5. Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 英国童话    

6. Rainbow Flower 七色花 ()卡泰耶夫

7. The Happy Prince 快乐王子 (英)奥斯卡·王尔德   

8. An Inch Of The Mage 一寸法师 日本童话


The Idiom Story 成语故事

1. A Flow Of Words 口若悬河

2. Pass Away The Sham As The Genuine 鱼目混珠

3. Careless 粗心大意

4. Concentration 专心致志

5. Bully People By Flaunting One's Powerful Connections 狐假虎威

6. A Snipe And A Clam Locked In Combat 鹬蚌相争

7. Where There Is A Will There Is A Way 有志者事竟成

8. Jingwei Reclamation 精卫填海

9. Mulan Joins The Army 木兰从军

10. Pangu Separated Heaven And Earth 盘古开天地

11. The Goddess Chang's Fly To The Moon 嫦娥奔月

12. Learn Skills Ruban 鲁班学艺


China's Classical Fairy Tales 中国经典童话故事

1. A Small Carp's Adventures 小鲤鱼跳龙门

2. A Deer Of Nine Colors 九色鹿

3. Pig Eight Quit To Eat Watermelon 猪八戒吃西瓜

4. Three Monks 三个和尚

5. Package Trial Stone 包公审石头

6. The Monkey King Three Borrow Palm Leaf Fan Part One 孙悟空三借芭蕉扇(上)

7. The Monkey King Three Borrow Palm Leaf Fan Part Two 孙悟空三借芭蕉扇(下)


Daily Life Fairy Tales 日常生活童话故事

1. Teach You A Word 教你一句话

2. Four Good Friends 四个好朋友

3. Brave Smart Thumb 勇敢机灵的大拇指

4. Two Hope 两个希望

5. The Key And Lock 钥匙和锁

6. Run Large Pancakes 会跑的大烙饼

7. Look For The Moon 找月亮

8. Wearing The Wrong Clothes 穿错了衣服

9. Robot When The Doctor 机器人当医生

10. Smart Foolish 聪明的阿呆


Fable 寓言故事

1. The Wolf And The Lamb 狼和小羊

2. The Fox And The Crow 狐狸和乌鸦  

3. The Farmer And The Viper 农夫和蛇

4. A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing 披着羊皮的狼

5. The Gnat And The Lion 蚊子和狮子

6. Hanhao Bird 寒号鸟

7. The Fox And The Crane To Make Friends 狐狸和仙鹤交朋友

8.Golden Axe Silver Axe Iron Axe 斧银斧铁斧

9. The Farmer Benefit 农夫得利

10. The Eagle And Chicken 鹰和鸡

11. The Farmer And The Dog 农夫与狗


Animal Fairy Tale 1 动物童话故事1

1. The Crow Find Nest 乌鸦找窝

2. The Weasel Stealing Chickens 黄鼠狼偷鸡        

3.Want To Be A Sun Dog 当太阳的小狗   

4. Cut Off The Tongue Of The Sparrow 割掉舌头的麻雀

5. The Tiger Worship Master 老虎拜师傅

6. Wolf Tail On A Fishing Trip 尾巴钓鱼的狼

7. Rats Steal Oil 老鼠偷油


Animal Fairy Tale 2 动物童话故事2

1. Why Old Snail Carrying A House 蜗牛为什么老背着房子

2. Camels And Sheep 骆驼和羊   

3. The Small Peacock Doctor 小孔雀求医

4. A Smart Tortoise 聪明的乌龟   

5. Three Bulls 三只公牛

6. Little Rabbit Won The Lion King 小兔胜狮王 

8. Three Sheep 三只羊

9. Curious Little Fox And Three One 好奇的小狐狸和三个咕噜噜


Animal Fairy Tale 3 动物童话故事3

1. The Lion As Distorting Mirror 狮子照哈哈镜

2. The Story Of The Stupid Rat 笨耗子的故事

3. Little Monkey Eat Melon 小猴吃瓜果

4. The Monkey And The Crocodile 猴子和鳄鱼

5. The Snow Lion 雪狮子

6. The Fox And The Hunter 狐狸打猎人

7. Stubborn Snail 倔强的蜗牛

8. Wolf Tooth Extraction 老狼拔牙

9. Two Sheep Cross The Bridge 两只羊过桥

10. The Wolf And The Lamb 狼和小羊

11. Frogs Flying 青蛙飞天


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